

Ko Cheryl toku Ingoa
No Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairarapa no Rangitaane ki Wairarapa no Ngai Tahu te iwi
No Nuhaka me Wairarapa Moana me Poneke me Darfield oku Tipuna
Kei Koraunui au e noho ana
Kei Rongoa Taita he Kaiwhakahaere hoko au e mahi ana


My name is Cheryl. My iwi affiliations are Ngati Kahungunu ki Wairarapa no Rangitaane ki Wairarapa no Ngai Tahu. My ancestors descend from Nuhaka, Wairarapa, Wellington and Darfield. Stokes Valley is my home. I am the Retail Manager at Taita Pharmacy.

I have had a pharmacy career spanning 35 years, 20 of those years have been in pharmacy retail management roles, 13 of those years at Taita Pharmacy enjoying the privilege of working in this community.

I have applied my life experiences and skills, “the ups and the downs”, if appropriate, to my workplace and my world.

What are the mainstays of my world? My faith, my whanau, my mokopuna, a good day’s work, the satisfaction that there is no “i” in team, chocolate, a good laugh, the warmth of the sun on my back, a good book to read, macaroni cheese, sharing kai with whanau and friends.

I am also currently on a waka, embarking on a Te Reo Maori journey, of learning.